Premium IQ Test

Test your cognitive skills and mental agility in our most accurate online IQ test. Start the IQ test

Why take the premium IQ test?

  • # 51 Questions

    Created to measure intelligence in online environment

  • # 70 Million+ satisfied users worldwide

    With an Avg. IQ score of 102

  • # Free & Accurate

    Online tool designed in Germany


Find your score

The average IQ score for our leading online IQ test is 102. Where you fall on either side of this average demonstrates where you stand compared to others who have taken the test. Our IQ classification ranges from ‘highly gifted’ to ‘lower extreme’. Take the online test today to get an accurate IQ score and not only discover your true intelligence but see where you rank among other high intelligence users.

Start the IQ test

What is an IQ Test?

The free online IQ test measures intelligence by focusing on various skills and attributes, such as pattern recognition, logic, mathematical understanding, analytical thinking, and verbal comprehension. Your IQ classification is derived from the composite score you achieve in these different areas of testing.

What IQ Tests measure

IQ tests measure an individual’s logic skills, analytical thinking, and capability to solve complex problems. Creativity and emotional intelligence are not measured in a standard IQ test and cannot be assessed this way. Our leading online IQ test assesses the following distinct areas of intelligence: mathematical understanding, logic, verbal reasoning, and pattern recognition.


“I got 150! My brain hurts, but I love these challenges! It was really FUN!! Love these!”

Rebecca Y.

“A great test and an excellent result. Very happy. Thank you!”

Giovanna L.

“I got 137! Marvelous, as I’ll be 90 in July”

Sheila B.

“Very well-structured test, thank you!”

Rob H.

“Great test that gave a lot of insight into my abilities. Would encourage anyone to try it”

Liam R.

What you get when you complete the test

01 Your IQ Score:

On completing all 51 questions, your answers are reviewed and scored accordingly to their difficulty levels. Your final IQ score is then calculated based on your performance across all test areas.

02 Your place on the IQ Scale:

Based on your final IQ score, you will receive a brief breakdown of your performance and your placement on the IQ scale, ranging from classification ‘lower extreme’ to ‘highly gifted’.

03 Access to training material:

Regular brain training exercises will help to maintain and even improve IQ scores. At the end of the test you will have access to quizzes and tests to keep your brain active.

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